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7 statements that bring peace of mind

There is something soothing in wise statements. Thanks to them, we understand that many people happened to worry about the same as us, they managed to find a solution to problems that seem unsolvable. The psychologist comments on seven phrases that will be useful in difficult times.

A island of calm – sometimes it seems that this is all we need to recover from shocks, relax and gain strength. But where to find him? Naughty children at home, at work – intractable customers. Instead of peace, we experience more and more stress. At such moments it is worth listening to the wisdom of others.

“Feelings go and come like clouds in the sky in windy weather. My anchor is conscious breathing “

Thrill Nysh Han, Vietnamese monk, author of books on Zen Buddhism

I am a big fan of flying a khani. I like to quote his statements, simultaneously inspiring and poetic. The above quote recalls that conscious breathing will help to find your center of calm and that all feelings and experiences are temporary.

“Will it be important in five years? If so, you should do something with this situation. If not, just relax “

Katherine Palcifer, Canadian writer

How serious what causes stress? Is it worth it to waste time and effort on this situation? You were cut on the road or scolded in a supermarket? Yes, it is unpleasant, but in five years you will not remember this. I tend to worry about the events that everyone

Lena a admis qu’il ne disait pas son petit ami, qui était vierge, a juste mentionné qu’elle l’a fait “pas si souvent”. “C’était un peu plus douloureux que prévu,” admet Lena “mais différemment.” Il était très nerveux et jamais éjaculation. Ensuite, nous gênons et bavardons, il était en fait très kamagra soft J’avais admis que j’ai fait une bonne santé, bien qu’un petit choix hâtif d’un partenaire. Ne pouvait pas attendre quand je peux dire maman. “

will forget about not even five years later, but after five minutes, so this phrase helps me a lot.

“Some lessons are better absorbed in calm times, others – during a storm”

Willa Ceser, American writer

These words will help to realize that your suffering is not in vain. The experienced difficulties will allow you to learn important lessons and grow, although this process can be very unpleasant. Realizing this, you can look differently at the “black stripes” in life.

“Nature is in no hurry and manages everything”

Lao Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

Many of us are absorbed in everyday affairs and attempts to achieve goals. Of course, targeted actions are very important, but this statement reminds that much can be achieved without haste and concomitant stress.

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